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The Pink Initiative

The Pink Initiative

The Pink Initiative has established a design-driven transformative ecosystems in the context of the Umeå region.

The Pink Initiative has established a design-driven transformative ecosystems in the context of the Umeå region.

Launched by RISE in 2018 with the intuition of creating a catalysing space for applied research and society in the North of Sweden, the Pink project concluded in 2021 and new initiatives have spin-off from its course.  

The Pink has connected three elements:

  • a meaningful place, connected to a regional social cultural and industrial context; gravitating around a space to meet, work, network, where where design & prototyping activities can be carried out;
  • a methodological framework to support societal transformation towards sustainable futures;
  • a learning environment for a variety of societal actors.

The Pink Initiative has promoted activities in design, research and collaboration. Here, design is used as a catalysing force to prototype instances of transformations in relevant contexts. Research is conducted to build a body of knowledge and to develop and test tools that are used in educational or collaborative activities. Lastly, collaboration is aiming to create value in a participated way.

One example of a format that combines the different perspectives adopted within the Pink project is Pink Perception, an event where 170 persons participated to 7 parallel workshops at Scharinska Villan, producing protoypes for futures regarding, for instance, AI, sustainable food and the future of mobility.

The outcomes of this project in the region of Umeå are the following:

The Pink has created a local RISE offer, formed of:

  • Workshops on designerly ways of going about societal transformations
  • Programs for boosting innovation capacity of industry and public sector
  • Workshops about organisational changes
  • Curating design research project
  • Readiness for Change assessment workshops
  • Inspiration Lectures & Educational Lectures
  • Networking with local people, SME’s & companies
  • Curating alternative networking, multistakeholders activities
  • 3D printing workshops

The Pink has developed the format of Transformation Partnerships, applicable where a complex constellation of stakeholders seek support in designing a sustainable transformation, starting from a societal challenge. The methodological framework at the foundation of Transformation Partnerships is Transforming Practices to Design for Systemic Transformation.



Design-driven Transformative Ecosystems




Region Blekinge, Region Dalarna, Region Gotland, Region Gävleborg, Region Halland, Region Jämtland Härjedalen, Region Jönköpings län, Region Kalmar län, Region Kronoberg, Region Norrbotten, Region Skåne, Region Stockholm, Region Sörmland, Region Uppsala, Region Värmland, Region Västerbotten, Region Västernorrland, Region Västmanland, Region Örebro län, Region Östergötland, Västra Götalandsregionen, Utanför Sverige

RISE roll i projektet

coordination, project leading, facilitation, content development, research & development.



10 years


Umeå Kommun, Eindhoven University of Technology; Department Industrial Design


Umeå Kommun



Bidrar till FN:s hållbarhetsmål

1.Ingen fattigdom
2.Ingen hunger
3.Hälsa och välbefinnande
4.God utbildning för alla
6.Rent vatten och sanitet
7.Hållbar energi för alla
8.Anständiga arbetsvillkor och ekonomisk tillväxt
9.Hållbar industri, innovationer och infrastruktur
10.Minskad ojämlikhet
11.Hållbara städer och samhällen
12.Hållbar konsumtion och produktion
13.Bekämpa klimatförändringarna
14.Hav och marina resurser
15.Ekosystem och biologisk mångfald
16.Fredliga och inkluderande samhällen
17.Genomförande och globalt partnerskap
Melinda From


Melinda From


+46 10 516 56 18

Läs mer om Melinda

Kontakta Melinda

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