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Gender equality plan

RISE's mission is to contribute to increased ecological, social and economic sustainability in the industry and society. Part of this is an active and well-functioning work with gender equality, inclusion and diversity, both from an ethical perspective and from opportunities for profits and efficiency improvements as employer and research- and innovation institute.

For RISE, diversity and inclusion is a prioritized and strategic issue and we have developed goals and action plans to actively work with this area. The purpose of our Gender Equality Plan is to show how we conduct active and targeted work on gender equality in the following areas:

  • Work-life balance and organizational culture
  • Leadership and decision-making
  • Recruitment and career progression
  • Integration of the gender dimension into research and teaching content
  • Measures against gender based violence, including sexual harassment


RISE's overall goal in the area of social sustainability is to have a healthy and safe business that promotes diversity and equality. To achieve our overall goal, we have identified three different sub-goals:

  • We are a fair employer that promotes equality.
  • We have a safe, secure and healthy work environment where everyone is appreciated, respected and valued for their differences.
  • We will develop and offer norm-critical and creative approaches in research and innovation and other activities.

Download our gender equality plan (In Swedish)

Our newly updated Gender euality plan will be accessible shortly.

RISE AB participates in Horizon 2020, the EU's framework program (2021-2027) to strengthen the impact of research and innovation to address global challenges and achieve the UN's sustainability goals.

Annette Anjou

Contact person

Annette Anjou

HR- och hållbarhetsdirektör

Read more about Annette

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