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Customer feedback, complaints and appeals

If you have any feedback on our work, you are welcome to send them to us. We appreciate any feedback that can help us to improve our work.

All interested parties can submit feedback regardless of whether you are a customer of ours or have another interest in our work with certification. We handle your feedback as a customer feedback, complaint or appeal, depending on the case. When you want to reconsider a decision on certification, verification or validation it is an appeal. An appeal must be received within three weeks of the decision on certification, verification or validation. It is also an appeal if you are not satisfied with an earlier decision in a complaint case. If the comments also concern other parts of RISE, these parts will be involved in the handling of the case.


To manage your feedback, we need the following information:

  • full name;
  • contact information such as address, e-mail address and telephone number;
  • which assignment or service it is about;
  • the reason for the customer feedback/ complaint/ appeal.

Send your feedback to

Your feedback will be recorded in a case and categorized as customer feedback, complaints or appeals. We appoint an administrator who has not been involved in the assignment. The administrator handles the case according to the following process:

  • analyzes received information and assesses the scope of the work;
  • receives supplementary information, internally, from the complainant and from the holder of the certificate/statement if applicable;
  • collects all information about the case;
  • produces recommendations for decisions and actions.


Decisions are made by the responsible manager. Regarding appeals, these will also be handled by our impartiality committee, the Certification Board, which is composed of independent interested parties to RISE. The Certification Board's task is to submit a recommendation for decision. The final decision is made by RISE.

You will receive a confirmation when we have received your feedback and at appropriate times during the handling of the case, and when a decision is taken. If you want us to publish your complaint and our decision, please let us know.