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Competense for developers – Reduced environmental impact

The construction accounts for one fifth of society's climate impact. As a developer you have great opportunities to influence development.

Welcome to the first of five independent training modules focused on reducing environmental impact in the construction sector. All modules relate to the builder's work on sustainable building process and construction. The modules can be completed as independent courses. 

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Information about the event

Date: 6 oktober 2020

Time: 09.00-16.00

Place:  Nätbaserad kurs via Zoom

Last registration date: 1 september

Cost: 4 500 kr för Byggherrarnas medlemmar och 5 500 kr exkl moms för övriga. Priset inkluderar kursmaterial.

More information and registration

Eva-Lotta Kurkinen

Contact person

Eva-Lotta Kurkinen

Senior forskare

Read more about Eva-Lotta

Contact Eva-Lotta
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