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Digitalised agriculture - what we offer

Are you ready to digitalise your operations within agriculture and food? RISE can give both support and help.

With RISE towards a digitalised agricultural sector

RISE supports you and your business in adapting to the digitalised agriculture of the future. We started our Testbed for digitalised agriculture in 2019 and have excellence in agricultural technique. We will be happy to share our knowledge, experience and expertise in order to help you incorporate new techniques in a traditional industry. RISE helps you and your business to transform agricultural activities of today to the agriculture of the future.

Specialists within both agriculture and technique

In-depth knowledge of agricultural needs and prerequisites is essential when developing new technology for the agricultural sector. Agriculture occurs in an environment of biological processes and complex conjunctions. Today´s technique is complex and it is vital to be aware of both possibilities and limitations. We believe in gathering all this competence in the same place. RISE unites specialist agricultural experts with the technicians at the front end of the industry.