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Techtank Conference – Innovative manufacturing for industrial use

Techtank Conference has been organized since 2015, and is an annual meeting place for manufacturing and engineering companies, research institutes and other organizations that want to keep up to date with current trends in innovative manufacturing for industrial use, with focus on forming and stamping. This year’s theme is Flexible Production, with focus on forming and stamping.

Ökade krav på skräddarsydda och individualiserade produkter sätter större fokus på produktionsflexibilitet. Detta behandlas också av EU kopplat till området Excellent, responsive and smart factories & supply chains. Flexibel produktion kan hantera volymförändringar, olika varianter, nya material och nya materialkombinationer.

This year’s theme: Flexible Production

Increased demand for customized and individualized products puts a greater focus on production flexibility. This is also addressed in EU by the objective Excellent, responsive and smart factories & supply chains. Flexible production can handle volume changes, different variants, new materials and new material combinations. During Techtank Conference 2020 we will explore the area of Flexible production, with focus on forming and stamping.

Related to this theme, the conference will among other things offer:

  • Keynote presentations 
  • Breakout sessions with speakers and other participants 
  • Broadcast from a current Testbed/Experiment

Techtank Conference – Online!

Due to the COVID-19 situation, this 6th Techtank Conference will be held in a digital format. We welcome participation from around the world to make it a truly international conference. Join us from wherever you are located – let’s meet up online for Techtank Conference 2020!

Go to programme and registration

Organiser: Techtank in collaboration with the Swedish application center Stamping and Forming Center of Excellence powered by RISE

Funding: Techtank Conference 2020 is carried out within the framework of the project Innovationsinitiativet, financed by Region Blekinge and Olofström Municipality.

Information about the event

Date: Thursday, November 26, 2020

Time: Full day (exact time schedule to be published)

Place: Online 

Language: English

Theme: Flexible Production, with focus on forming and stamping

Price:  No participation fee, registration is required

More information at

Boel Wadman

Contact person

Boel Wadman


+46 70 780 61 80

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