The inauguration of the Swedish research and innovation node for cyber security
Sweden is high in the world rankings when it comes to digitalisation, but does not have the same position when it comes to cyber security. To support development in business and the public sector, VINNOVA and RISE have initiated a national node, with the aim of accelerating Swedish innovation and research in cyber security.
Follow the inauguration online - December 4 at 12pm you may connect to watch the inauguration of the Swedish research and innovation node for cybersecurity. Push play to watch.
The node will be coordinated by RISE and aims to support Swedish industry, academia and the public sector. The node will create a strong network of actors, as well as build platforms for close dialogue and innovation.
The node will also gather and strengthen Swedish cyber security expertise for research and innovation. In the longer term, the node aims to strengthen Swedish competitiveness in a demanding international cyber security market, which is a necessity for a strong Swedish future industrial industry and exports in cyber security.
A warm welcome to attend our digital inauguration of the Swedish research and innovation node for cyber security.
- Ibrahim Baylan, Näringsminister
- Pia Sandvik, CEO RISE
- Darja Isaksson, GD Vinnova
- Shahid Raza, Director Cybersecurity, RISE
- Martin Bergling, Coordinator for the Swedish research and innovation node for cybersecurity, RISE
- Eva Fogelström, Director Security Research, Ericsson
- Patrik Sandgren, Head of Digitalisation Business Policy, Technology Companies
- Simone Fischer-Hübner, Professor of Computer Science, SWITS
The steering group
The steering group for the Swedish research and innovation node for cyber security consists of representatives from MSB, DIGG, Teknikföretagen, SOFF, Combient, Ericsson, Mobile Heights, the academy network SWITS, Simovits Consulting and RISE. The reference group includes Sweden ICT, University of Skövde, Swedsoft and SACS.
Information about the event
Date: December 4, 2020
Time: 12:00-14:00
Place: Online
Contact for questions regarding the programme