Andreas Johansson
Contact AndreasThe cities and communities of the future are sustainable and vibrant. They have smart integrated systems for mobility, water, energy and materials. In smart cities waste is considered to be a resource, and is reused or recycled. Resilient cities are equipped for climate impact, with green and blue surfaces mitigating the effect of large volumes of water, and contributing to biodiversity, improved health and greener urban environments. They promote integration, interaction and experiences, and offer well-functioning, secure everyday life.
RISE gathers expertise in the field of construction technology, energy systems, circular adjustment, infrastructure, ICT and design. Through development and innovation we help cities achieve sustainable adjustment. We create benefit for industry & commerce and society through our networks, strategic innovation programmes, innovation platforms and major challenge-driven projects – both nationally and at EU level. New technologies, materials, processes and services are tested and verified in our testing and demonstration environments. We are also working on long-term strategies and policy change.