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Course on Annex U

Course in Annex U for household equipments according to IEC 60335-1

This course goes through the new requirements for cybersecurity introduced in IEC 60335-1 Annex U. These include remote communication through public networks. The course is suited for managers, project leaders and engineers.

About the course

All companies that introduce products on the European market must be able to demonstrate that the products comply with the applicable EU directives. As an importer or manufacturer of home, household and commercial products, you must be able to demonstrate that the product meets the EU requirements in LVD and the Machinery Directive. Home and household products that comply with the IEC 60335-1 standard or the applicable product standard (Part 2) are expected to meet the requirements of the directives.


The purpose of the course is to gain an increased understanding of the requirements linked to cyber security within the framework of Annex U of the standard.


We will go through the appendix in general and measures that can be taken to prevent unauthorised access as well as the effects of transmission errors when using remote communication through public networks. This course can be combined with the following course "Annex R for household appliances according to IEC 60335-1" which goes through Annex R (software evaluation) within the framework of the standard.

Target group

Managers, project leaders and engineers.


RISE, Brinellgatan 4, Borås
08 Oct 2025
4000 SEK (excluding VAT)

Areas of remote communication that are covered during the course include:

  • Verification of identity
  • Information Access Permissions
  • Calculation of data using algorithms
  • Data privacy protection
  • Encryption of data
  • User instructions for software updates etc
  • How data connected to software can be divided into modules to make it more secure
  • How remote communication should be set up, maintained, and terminated with connection to corrupt data, time errors, repetition, communication interruptions, etc.

Security when receiving information from multiple sources simultaneously

Per Stålberg

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Per Stålberg


+46 10 516 65 56

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Ted Strandberg


Ted Strandberg


+46 10 516 60 93

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