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Design – cast components

This course gives an understanding of the working methods and tools available when developing cast components. During the course we will address different types of casting methods and materials, and we will go through possible choices when it comes to process and material.

The process from concept to finished component design will be illustrated through some examples where we use the latest methods to simulate cast components. We will look at additive manufacturing as a tool to produce the final component.


The course consists of the following content:

  • Topology optimization
  • General design rules e.g. wall thickness / sections
  • Processes / casting methods
  • Material selection
  • Directional solidification
  • Simulation
  • AM-cast, hybrid AM for the foundry industry.

Target group

For people working as a designer of cast components this course will give a broad overview of guidelines and methods used when designing castings. Procurement engineers or purchaser may also benefit from this course to increase their knowledge on how different parameters will affect the cost for cast components.

Expected prior knowledge 

No previous knowledge necessary.


Roger Svenningsson
Erdzan Hodzic
Anton Bjurenstedt
Mattias Lundberg


8,600 SEK


We give quantity discount if several of your employees attend our training/courses at the same time.

When registering two or more from the same company, a discount of 10% is given for the second participant and all subsequent ones.

Other information

Contact course coordinator below for questions about the course and its content and the administrator on practical questions.

All courses can also be ordered as commissioned on-site training and then also be adapted to your needs at your company.

Distributed materials from this course include presentations as well as guidelines concerning casting design.

Available courses

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Martin Risberg

Contact person

Martin Risberg


+46 10 228 49 17

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Elisabeth Holst-Samuelsson

Contact person

Elisabeth Holst-Samuelsson


+46 10 228 49 03

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