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Training in joining of multi-material designs

Do you want to learn more about joining of lightweight and multi material designs? Our researchers offer education focusing on design, preparation and production in the manufacturing industry. The education provides a good background for hybrid joining.


Mechanical joining  

Basic course that deals with the function and use of different joining methods for lightweight constructions and multi material designs. The course deals with mechanical joining as:

  • Screw joints and  calculation off assembly parts
  • Riveting – clinching, self pierce and blind riveting
  • Flowdrill screwing and other innovative methods
  • Hemming

Industrial adhesive joining

Basic knowledge of industrial adhesive joining, including pre-treatment, adhesive selection, application, design for adhesives, quality control and work environment aspects.

Dry pre-treatment before adhesive joining and painting

Methods to increase the adhesion and life of the joining. 

Geometry Assurance

Geometric effects when hybrid joining multi material designs.

The content of the course can be adapted and combined based on your needs.

If you want to know more about the course structure and how we can combine the different elements, contact us!

Special prior knowledge is not required, but of course facilitates the exchange of education.

Target group

The education is aimed at design, preparation and production in the manufacturing industry.


Jan Skogsmo, RISE
Ola Albinsson, RISE

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Charlotte Ireholm

Contact person

Charlotte Ireholm


+46 10 228 47 44

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