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Water meters and billing

Two days for those who work with billing, invoicing, technology, and/or administration related to water and water metering. The course covers both technical and organizational issues.

Over two days, we will cover the technical basics of measurement technology and water metering, practical details about replacing and managing water meters, connected meters, data processing, information on economics, legislation, and handling customers and complaints.

Target Group
The course is aimed at those who work with billing and invoicing of water and heat, with technology and/or administration. It is intended for those who work at municipalities and waterworks, with meter replacement, meter control, billing and follow-up, who have customer contacts, in customer service or as complaint handlers.

This course is held in Swedish


2-3 december 2025
Göteborg, Hotell Eggers
02 Dec 2025 - 03 Dec 2025
13560 SEK (excluding VAT)
30 out of 30
Course certificate
Olle Penttinen

Olle Penttinen

Forskare, RISE AB
Niklas Vernholt

Niklas Vernholt

Projektledare, RISE AB

"The purpose of the course is to provide support for answering and addressing customers' questions about meter readings, invoices, disconnections, and similar issues. The days will give you a basic insight into the existing regulations, and you will hear about experiences of what happens when agreements cannot be reached. Last but not least, some practical tips will be provided on handling customer calls and visits, with a focus on difficult conversations with angry, sometimes threatening, and dissatisfied customers.

The price includes documentation, lunch, coffee/tea, and a Christmas buffet at Hôtel Eggers on day 1.

Olle Penttinen

Contact person

Olle Penttinen


+46 10 516 50 47

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Viktoria Jonasson

Contact person

Viktoria Jonasson


+46 10 516 56 39

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Lena Gamalielsson


Lena Gamalielsson


+46 10 516 60 02

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