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Supply of agricultural biomass for biorefinery processes
Increased use of raw materials and residual biomass streams from agriculture can help to limit climate change, but it is important that they are produced and used in a sustainable and profitable way.

Fossil oil should be phased out to create conditions for sustainable development. A central part of this is to replace the fossil raw materials with bio-based raw materials, where agricultural biomass is a possible resource. Besides the crops produced in agriculture today, there is also unutilized biomasses. It can be crops and residues that originate in the primary production or later in the processing stage to the final product. At RISE, we add value and create conditions for a better utilization of agricultural biomass, to the benefit of the farmer and the industry utilizing the biomass. A central part of this work is a sustainable utilization of biomass with maintained long-term soil fertility.
Our work focuses on challenges in the biomass supply chain from cultivation to pre-treatment before delivery to the biorefinery. We start from the needs of the industry and work together with companies. We try to find solutions where the raw material producer is part of the processing chain through small-scale supply chains that can deliver a high-quality bio-based product. We offer practical tests both through field trials, machine development, development of processes in lab and pilot scale, lab analysis, techno-economic calculations, biomass potential calculations, development of business models and life cycle analysis.