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AI for climate change

We are facing the greatest challenge in modern time. Climate change is already giving rise to extreme weather events around the world. Artificial intelligence can be used both to mitigate and help us adapt to the disasters we face in the future.

Life on Earth is about to change. Climate change is real and we are already seeing more extreme weather events and related crises. Human-caused climate change is one of the major reasons why we are currently seeing the sixth mass extinction of species. In order for humanity to cope with these changes, adaptations must be made on a broad front. Some of these may come from advanced modeling using AI and machine learning.

At RISE, we work with a number of different projects that can help mitigating climate change, as well as improving resilience against its effects. These projects include modeling flows in the Krycklan catchment area outside Umeå using deep learning, modeling risks in circular business models, and AI for efficiency and stability in agriculture.

We run projects to map and analyze biological diversity, to act as decision support for the planning of forests and green areas in urban environments. Sound recordings and camera traps are used today to gather information about how animals move in the wild. We develop advanced AI-driven soundscape analysis to help track important marker species, to build knowledge about how they are being affected by humanity and changes in their habitat. Thus, the current workflow with passive acoustic monitoring devices and camera traps which today require manual analysis become partly automated.

We are a leader in Climate AI Nordics (, a Nordic network that works to develop and promote collaboration on AI solutions addressing climate change. We are also one of three leading organizations in climes - The Swedish center for impacts of climate extremes(, working interdisciplinary with research on extreme events resulting from climate change.

We have only seen the beginning of what climate change has in store for us. We have also only seen the beginning of the efforts we are making to meet the challenges ahead. This page will be updated with new information as our work progresses.

Olof Mogren

Contact person

Olof Mogren

Senior Researcher

+46 73 023 56 09

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