Contact person
Nadine Kraupner
Contact NadineDo you work with research and development of products based on antimicrobial peptides? For example new types of antibiotics, implants with active coatings, wound care products or products with other uses such as antifouling products for marine application? Then we would like to cooperate with you.
Antimicrobial peptides (AMP) constitute an important part of the body's defense against various types of infectious microorganisms. AMPs often have a direct killing effect on, for example, bacteria by destroying their cell membranes but they can also have an indirect effect by activating a variety of immunoregulatory mechanisms.
We have broad knowledge and expertise in most matters concerning antimicrobial peptides and can therefore be your partner in one of the following areas:
We have many years of experience of working with antimicrobial peptides in both assignments together with industry partners and in large and small research projects. Examples of two publicly funded projects we have coordinated are FORMAMP (EU / FP7) with a focus on innovative formulations of peptides, and RIK (Vinnova) with a focus on e.g. effect of peptides on complications around dental implants.
Our employees have also published several articles in the area, some examples follow here: