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Composite material manufacturing – compression / press moulding
At RISE, we have long experience of working with press technology for composites and have the expertise and equipment to support you in the development of materials, components and production technology, from research to prototype manufacturing.
Through compression or press moulding, it is possible to apply high pressures to materials and get a good finish on both sides of the component. Likewise, the technologies enable good repeatability and high production rates, which provides cost and energy efficiency.
We start from process modeling and tool design and verify the results in our unique test and demo environment, where we also can manufacture prototypes or offer small-scale production, all based on your needs.
Whether you are active in the automotive, aerospace, defense or battery industries, we are here for you. We have experience working with many different material types and processes, including carbon fiber/epoxy prepreg, SMC and carbon fiber SMC, thermoplastic matrices, bio-based composites (both resin and fiber) and high-temperature injection systems, such as carbon fiber with BMI matrix.
Contact us to talk more about how we can help you!
Available equipment/techniques
Servo hydraulic press
- AP&T Modell ODEN-FTS-12000/ (19000)
- Servo hydraulic for low energy consumption
- Pressing force (work interval): 0 - 1200 tonne possible to upgrade to 1900 tonne
- Size of press table: 2200x3000mm
- Maximum closing speed: 350 mm/s
RTM-Injection system
- ISOJET 5000 HT RTM-system
- Maximum injection pressure: 35 bar
- Maximum injection temperature (resin): 315ºC
- Injection capacity: up to 5 litres
- Flow: 5 till 2000 cc/minute
- The machine can be used in both flow- and pressure regulation modes
- Resin can be degassed in the cylinder before injection with a vacuum of 2 mBar.
Heat system for mould/tool
- Heating using water, up to 120 ºC
- Electrical heating, effect up to 175kW, tool temperature up to 450 ºC