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Research on Buildings and Infrastructures

RISE covers different research areas in the field of mechanics of structures, building components and materials, rock mechanics and engineering, structural dynamics, protective structures and buildings.

We focus on the development and use of advanced experimental and computational tools: very-small to very-large-scale testing facilities, optical measurements and non-destructive testing techniques, advanced finite element and discrete element simulations.

Our mission is to contribute to the development of the next generation of sustainable, innovative, high-performance buildings and infrastructures, by increasing the knowledge and safety level related to their use. We study solutions for existing ageing structures, by investigating their properties and reuse.

Contact us

We are open to collaborative projects with the industry, universities and other research-active organisations and individuals willing to explore with us new areas of research and development on topics related to buildings and infrastructures.

Open research data

We follow the principles for Findable Accessible Interoperable Reusable data - FAIR. We value the open sharing of the research data as an important contribution to the impact, transparency and reproducibility of the scientific results achieved during our projects.

More information

Find here the most recent research articles, conference papers, reports and datasets published by the group.

List of publications (pdf, 199.77 KB)

Lars Jacobsson

Contact person

Lars Jacobsson

Senior forskare

+46 10 516 56 19

Read more about Lars

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Daniel Vennetti

Contact person

Daniel Vennetti


+46 10 516 57 83

Read more about Daniel

Contact Daniel
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