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Troubleshooting involves analysing organic and inorganic compounds, surfaces, elements. FT-IR, light microscopy and SEM / EDX are most common but also GC-MS, separation techniques are also used to solve the problems that processes and products encounter.

What is Troubleshooting?

Troubleshooting is the process of identifying, analysing, and resolving issues or faults in a system, product, or process. It involves systematically examining possible causes of a problem to find and implement a solution.

Troubleshooting is essential when processes and products become contaminated for various reasons, causing operational issues that can lead to economic and environmental consequences, as well as potential customer complaints.

Troubleshooting with microscopes


Troubleshooting with Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)


Troubleshooting of organic and inorganic compounds


Identification of Materials for Troubleshooting


Troubleshooting with Chemical Compound Separation


Analyse inorganic and organisc ions


Troubleshooting and Metal Analysis


More information

Troubleshooting in Pulp, Paper, and Materials:

You can analyse a wide range of samples, including scrapes, dots, oils, solutions, and more, without the need for sample preparation. Our analysis is both qualitative and quantitative, providing valuable insights for problem-solving, addressing customer complaints, and supporting quality control across different raw materials.

Types of Samples for Troubleshooting:

  • Pulp, paper, cardboard
  • Scrapes, dots, rubber cloth
  • Printed end products, solutions, oils, smears
  • Incubators, piglets

Identification of Organic and Inorganic Compounds: 

  • Organic Compounds: Polymers, biomolecules (lignins, carbohydrates, oligosaccharides, polysaccharides, cellulose, vitamins), aromatic compounds, aliphatic compounds, hydrocarbons.
  • Molecular Groups: Alkanes, alkenes, arenes, alkynes, esters, carboxylic acids, alcohols.
  • Inorganic Compounds: Carbonates, carbides, organometallic complexes, minerals, halides, sulphates.

Materials for Troubleshooting: Our troubleshooting capabilities extend to a variety of materials, including:

  • Scrapes, dots, rubber cloth, printed end products, incrustations, metals.

Important Considerations for Sample Submission:

  • Ensure scrapes are placed in a jar when sampling.
  • Avoid marking too close to the defect or problem area.
  • Exposure tests are conducted at RISE in Örnsköldsvik.
  • Send references for comparison, including process and functional chemicals/materials. A good reference test helps compare the problem sample with a controlled or ideal sample.
Jessica Sjöstedt

Contact person

Jessica Sjöstedt

Forsknings- och utvecklingsingenjör

+46 10 722 32 38

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Christina Wedin

Contact person

Christina Wedin


+46 10 722 32 47

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