
Virtual fences for grazing animals
Virtual fences have the potential to facilitate and simplify grazing operations. At RISE, several projects are ongoing where we investigate the conditions for the use of this technology in Sweden, the ability of cattle to learn and understand it, how it can work in practical operations and its impact on the farmers working environment.

It is both costly and labor-intensive to fence in new grazing areas and maintain fences. RISE is therefore researching how grazing management can become more flexible and which methods can contribute to this.
Virtual fencing technology could be a solution as the animal keeper can fence in, move and change the shape of the grazing area in a few seconds with the help of an app on it’s phone. Each animal wears a collar with built-in GPS and telecommunications function and which, instead of a physical boundary in the form of an electric fence, emits sound signals combined with weak electrical stimuli to signal a fence boundary.
One example is a test of virtual sheep fences at a lamb producer on the island Gotland.
- Virtual fencing can make lamb production more profitable, sustainable and competitive. Overgrown and hard-to-access lands can be grazed and thus increase biological diversity and make the landscape more attractive for outdoor activities. We see great opportunities with this technology, says Per Peetz Nielsen, ethologist and senior researcher at RISE.
On this web page we try to answer the most common questions about virtual fences and offer a contact where you can get in touch if you have additional questions or otherwise want to get involved in our research.

Would you like to know more?
At the top of the page you will find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about virtual fences. There you can also see how you can contact us to get involved in the research.
At the bottom of the page you can read about our ongoing and completed projects around virtual fences.
Our research in the media
Dagens Nyheter: Grönbete utan stängsel – ny teknik ersätter herden
SVT Nyheter: Virtuella stängsel håller de här gotländska fåren på plats
Upsala Nya Tidning: Virtuellt stängsel kan lösa foderbristen vid torka
Aftonbladet: Virtuella stängsel ska hålla fåren i hagen
TV4: Hagen utan stängsel: Korna styrs av GPS-signaler
TV4: ”De reagerar på ljudet” – nytt virtuellt stängsel håller fåren på plats
P4 Gotland: Virtuellt lammstängsel testas i Öja
P4 Gotland: Hon håller reda på sina lammungar – med hjälp av en app
SVT Nyheter: Virtuella stängsel – kan bli en lösning när torkan orsakar betesbrist
More information
Frequently Asked Questions about virtual fences:
Are virtual fences approved for use in Sweden?
No, virtual fences are forbidden to use in Sweden. However, there is an exception for research studies. RISE only conducts research studies in the field. The decision on whether or not the technology is approved rests with the Swedish Agency for Agriculture, Jordbruksverket, which administers the animal welfare legislation.
How do virtual fences work?
By following this link to SLU, you can watch a video about how the virtual fences work.
Can cattle and sheep learn virtual fences and thus turn at a sound signal?
We examine these questions in our research projects. The first results indicate that the animals learn how the virtual fence works and reverse the sound signal after the learning period.
Do the animals run away more often with virtual fences?
So far we have not seen the animals run away more than with a normal fence. In the first research trials, however, we have had an external physical electric fence as a safety barrier.
Can you use virtual fences if you have predators in your area?
Since virtual fences are such a new technology that is not widely used yet, there is not much knowledge about that issue yet. Theoretically, it may be easier for a predator to approach animals with virtual fences (than if they are fenced with predator-proof fences, for example), but on the other hand, the animals can more easily escape from an ongoing predator attack.
I am interested in participating in future studies, how do I register my interest?
How nice that you are interested in participating in our projects! Register your interest by email:
Write about yourself and your farm and describe your animals and land. There is a great interest in virtual fences and we cannot guarantee the opportunity to participate in the research projects.