Matilda Lindström
Contact MatildaBorrow a cargo bike, rent an e-scooter, and commute to work in self-driving pods. To achieve climate targets, smarter transport systems and services are needed countrywide. Costs are reduced, the burden of ownership disappears, freedom of choice increases, the climate benefits, and there will be less congestion, particularly in metropolitan areas. Digitalisation facilitates new ways to share transportation for people and goods. The challenges lie in altering behaviours and amending regulations.
RISE researches and develops new solutions for everything from bicycle-sharing to policies and regulatory innovation in the transport sector. We have broad and extensive domain knowledge in sustainable and shared mobility, along with relevant networks. We offer future studies, expertise, test beds and participation in projects focusing on, among other things, multimodal transport and logistics, first and last mile (FLM), and business models for Mobility-as-a-Service ( MaaS).