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Hälsotrend - the network with a focus on food-health for the food ind

The trend "Health on the march" is one of five trends highlighted in RISE's trend scouting on the future food system, and we see no signs that the trend will slow down - rather the opposite. At the beginning of the year, several authority reports were published with a bearing on food and health, and soon there will be referral proposals for updated

While the connections between food and health are very complex, the societal discussion is often simplistic and trend-based. Questions about the importance of food for health also often create a personal commitment and many want to make their voice heard, with more or less scientifically anchored messages. For companies in the food sector, it can be challenging to navigate when research and trend-setting messages in the social discussion do not necessarily pull in the same direction. 

The Hälsotrend network offers a meeting place for actors in the food industry, who want to stay up-to-date on the state of knowledge in the food-health area and thereby strengthen the organization's conditions for innovations, business and trust, in the short and long term.  

The network offers a place for competence development, discussion and exchange of experience in matters in the food-health area. At our meetings, we mix presentations by researchers and authorities, with company presentations and joint discussions. The members of the network can request topics, to ensure that the meetings highlight issues of interest to the industry.

Network facts


Hälsotrend network

Network website

More information

This is how the network works:

The Hälsotrend network meets twice a year either digitally or at RISE Agriculture and food´s facilities in Gothenburg. In addition to the current state of knowledge and new research findings, issues surrounding recommendations, consumer behavior, current product and process development, policies and regulations are discussed. The target group for the network is active in the food industry with an interest in issues related to food and health, such as:

  • Nutrition officers
  • Product developer
  • Product managers
  • Purchaser
  • Category manage

The last meeting for 2024 will take place in Mars 2025.

On Mars 28th, we gather around the theme "Proteinskiftet - näringsmässiga aspekter?"

Invitation (pdf, 1.2 MB)


The annual fee for the network is SEK 15,000. VAT is added. The fee will be invoiced.

The fee applies to two optional participants in the network meetings.

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Annika Krona

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Annika Krona

Senior Scientist

+46 10 516 66 38

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Susanne Bryngelsson

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Susanne Bryngelsson


+46 10 516 67 88

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