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Material & Energy Valorisation of Waste in a Circular Economy network
Working for the sustainable use of residues for production of bioenergy and material recovery
Task 36 Material and Energy Valorisation of Waste in a Circular Economy is an international working group led by RISE under the umbrella of the International Energy Agency (IEA) Bioenergy which seeks to raise public awareness of sustainable energy generation from biomass residues and waste fractions including municipal solid waste (MSW) as well as to increase technical information dissemination.
As outlined in the 3-year work programme (2025-2027), Task 36 seeks to understand the effect that circular economy initiatives along the waste and energy value chains will have in the deployment of bioenergy globally.
Task 36 works during the on-going triennium will focus (i) waste management analyses, (ii) feedstock (i.e. food waste), and (iii) new technologies pathways (i.e. BECCUS).
The following countries are members for 2025-2027: Germany, Italy, Norway, Sweden, and USA.
Network facts
IEA Bioenergy Task 36
Other than Sweden
Network website
IEA Bionergy Task 36 Material & Energy Valorisation of Waste in a Circular Econ…