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Maritime logistics

Maritime logistics include port logistics, zero emission shipping applications, urban logistics, transport efficiency, modal shift from road to sea, resilient supply chains, operations management and traffic analysis.

Ports and logistics

We support ports’ development on a strategic and operational level, including stakeholder analysis, volume and traffic prognoses, process/operational activity mapping, development of action plans, assessments of economy, environment and risk, decision support regarding OPS, digitalization and energy offering.

In tune with academia and industry 

Grounded in experiences from maritime research and innovation projects, we continuously benefit from the latest technology and market development. A large actor network has been established through collaboration with the industry over many years. For each unique practical problem, our experts apply proven methods and knowledge to provide support in close collaboration with each client. 

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Vendela Santén

Contact person

Vendela Santén


+46 10 251 38 05

Read more about Vendela

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Anna Hedén

Contact person

Anna Hedén


+46 10 251 37 05

Read more about Anna

Contact Anna
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