5G and next generation mobile performance compliance testing assurance
5G PERFECTA focuses on efficient information handling, where QoS och QoE for new 5G services are combined for the purposes of developing machine learning technologies for real-time systems and new control capabilities.
Project scope and objective
The problem. 5G imposes high requirements on infrastructure and control mechanisms capable of delivering mobile services with higher traffic volumes, greater user concentration, shorter response times, and greater ability to customize the network for a greater variety of services. Examples of services enabled by 5G technology include remote control of vehicles (e.g. in the mining industry) and individualized information through augmented reality. The complexity of 5G (in both infrastructure and future services) requires a high level of network autonomy at different temporal scales (from real-time to longer response times) based on effective machine learning and new combinations of data sources.
For some services that include sensory information, such as video, audio and haptic signals, we see the combination of Quality of Service (QoS) and User Experience Quality of Experience (QoE) as particularly important. Managing these issues is essential for achieving technical 5G requirements and next generation mobile services, which will be a central part of the future digitalized society and industry.
The scope. Celtic Plus 5G PERFECTA takes steps towards effective information processing with the objectives of:
- identifying, developing and combining QoS and QoE related data sources to information-carrying models suitable for 5G infrastructures;
- developing machine learning techniques and methods of analysis suitable for real-time systems requiring resource-efficient distributed computations and information exchanges between nodes; and,
- developing new management functions based on information-effective models.
5G-PERFECTA collaboration partners. This project is coordinated by INDRA (Spain) in collaboration with participants in Poland, Turkey, Portugal and Sweden. The Swedish consortium consists of Ericsson, RISE, Lund University, Time Critical Networks and Sandvine.
William Tärneberg, Omar Hamsis, John Hedlund, Kjell Brunnström, Emma Fitzgerald, Andreas Johnsson, Viktor Berggren, Maria Kihl, Akhila Rao, Rebecca Steinert, Caner Kilinc. "Towards Intelligent Industry 4.0 5G Networks: A First Throughput and QoE Measurement Campaign," in IEEE SoftCOM 2020.
Natalia Vesselinova, Rebecca Steinert, Daniel Felipe Perez-Ramirez and Magnus Boman, "Learning Combinatorial Optimization on Graphs: A Survey With Applications to Networking," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 120388-120416, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3004964.
Daniel F. Perez-Ramirez, Rebecca Steinert, Natalia Vesselinova, and Dejan Kostic, “Demo Abstract: Elastic Deployment of Robust Distributed Control Planes with Performance Guarantees”, IEEE INFOCOM, 2020. Demo video available here.
Shaoteng Liu, Rebecca Steinert, Natalia Vesselinova and Dejan Kostić, "Fast Deployment of Reliable Distributed Control Planes with Performance Guarantees," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 70125-70149, 2020. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2984500
Project name
Region Stockholm
RISE role in project
Participant and project manager
Project start
2.5 years
Total budget
Ericsson, Lund Technical University, Sandvine, Time Critical Networks
Project website