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AI-driven research on the next generation of sustainable composites

Can we accelerate and diversify the research process with artificial intelligence (AI)? search engine for scientific text comprehension will be integrated into the research process for information searches in academic literature and patent databases in the research area of sustainable polymeric materials and composites.

Introduction is a startup which accelerates research discovery with artificial intelligence (AI). For the past five years, they have been developing an AI engine for scientific text understanding. The tools developed by IRIS for academic literature reviews have shown great potential. Implementation of the tool at RISE will be carried out to demonstrate the feasibility of discovering and adapting trans-area existing research results to accelerate the development of tomorrow’s sustainable composite materials.

Purpose and goal

  • Understand how AI-tool can be used in the process of developing new material or accessing data from existing scientific publications and patents
  • Build a methodology around pre-defined case study and application area (Energy, Forest, Automotive)
  • Generate feed-back for iterative development of the IRIS AI-tool.


The exponential development of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence seems hard to grasp for a lot of mid-level manager decision makers. Specifically imagining what these tools can do for their companies. The implementation of such tools requires a shift in working methodology and information sharing in order to enable access to data, as well as accelerate scientific discovery.


AI-tool has the ability to replace the researchers' random google searches for relevant information for e.g. experiments and literature studies. The AI-powered search will be both systematic and holistic, i.e. through the entire body of knowledge; and the results will include areas that are often unexplored when done manually, due to suggestive appreciation.


The use of IRIS AI-tool will contribute with shortened searching time for information, as well as innovative proposals can be generated. We are expecting as a main effect a faster access to innovative materials and products in the society. In this project, IRIS will also continue developing the AI-tool based on the feed-back generated during the project, to make it a true digital science assistant. From RISE perspective, it will accelerate our scientific discovery process for finding sustainable materials for composites and additive manufacturing.


Project name

AI-Powered Composite Research




Västra Götaland Region

RISE role in project


Project start


1 år



Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
12. Responsible consumption and production
Cecilia Mattsson

Contact person

Cecilia Mattsson


+46 10 228 49 36

Read more about Cecilia

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