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Surface temperature calibration equipment

Better surface temperature calibrations

Measurement of surface temperature is important in many industries, such as in the steel, medicine, and nuclear power industries. At the same time, it is difficult to calibrate sensors and the measurement uncertainty can be high. The project will improve the equipment for surface temperature calibrations at the National Laboratory for Temperature.

Calibrating sensors for surface temperature is simple in theory. The sensor to be calibrated is placed against a heated plate with a known and uniform surface temperature, and the sensor readings are then compared to the plate temperature. The National Laboratory for Temperature at RISE operates a surface temperature calibrator that is widely used for calibrations from room temperature up to 600 degrees.

Older model

The existing equipment is of an older model and the international comparisons in which the National Laboratory has participated show the need for improved equipment. The measurement uncertainty is relatively high, over three degrees at the highest temperatures. There are also requests for calibrations at higher temperatures than the existing equipment can handle.

Halved measurement uncertainty

The project will update the equipment at the National Laboratory so that it reaches a level that corresponds to that at the national metrology institutes that are at the forefront when it comes to surface temperature calibration. The new equipment will be able to operate at a higher temperature than today with a halved measurement uncertainty. In addition to meeting the need for calibration in industry and society in a better way, it will also bring more opportunities to participate in future research projects and comparison studies.


Project name

Improved surface temperature calibration



RISE role in project

Project leader

Project start



Total budget

645 000 SEK



Project members

Contact person

Patrik Broberg


+46 10 516 51 45

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