Contact person
Robert Furunger
Contact RobertThe knowledge platform for Dynamic measurements is a long-term investment where RISE, together with academia and industry, builds and spreads competence within measurement, calibration and traceability of fast mechanical processes.
The need for quality assured measurements under dynamic processes are large within many areas and businesses such as enery, health, manufacturing, materials and transportation. Some examples are measurements of forces in barrier tests, torque and ripple in electric engines or measurements in strength and durability testing.
Most measurements of mechanical processes take place under dynamic conditions. This works well as long as the instrument is faster than the process being measured. When the speed of the process increases the demands on the instrument also increases.
Basically all calibration of mechanical measuring systems take place under static or quasi-static conditions. This is partly due to the very low measurements uncertainties achievable. However, primary methods for dynamic calibration are almost completely missing within force, torque and pressure areas.
This means that one cannot be sure what the measured values in fast mechanical processes really correspond to, and that results cannot be guaranteed to be comparable.
Project goals:
Knowledge platform Dynamic measurements
Västra Götaland Region
Project leader
Robert Furunger Fredrik Arrhén Erland Johnson Mikolaj Wozniak Eynas Amer Hosein Khalatbari