Extinguishment and mitigation of fires in Lithium-ion batteries at sea
Li-ion batteries are part of the solution to lower the emissions from transport at sea. Fire safety for the battery systems has however been identified as a key question when introducing battery propulsion at sea. In order to reach the fire safety requirements at sea an efficient extinguishing system plays an important role.
A test method and advise on criteria for evaluating such systems are however lacking today which makes it difficult for ship-owners and builders to select appropriate systems. Li-ion batteries is also a new area for the extinguishing systems suppliers and a test method to evaluate and demonstrate different systems’ performance would be useful also for them. Lion Fire II aims to suggest an appropriate test method and evaluation criteria for extinguishing systems for Li-ion batteries at sea.
Project name
Lion Fire II
Västra Götaland Region
RISE role in project
Project start
1.5 year
Incell International , Cinus AB, Johnson Controls, GPBM Nordic, Trafikverkets Färjerederi, Stena Line
Swedish Transport Administration
Project members
Supports the UN sustainability goals