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Functional testing of waterproofing systems

Functional testing of waterproofing systems for wet areas 2025

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden has once again been entrusted by LF Research Foundation to conduct a research project on the function of waterproofing systems intended for use behind ceramic tiles in wet areas. This research project is a repetition of previously conducted projects spanning a long period of 15 years.

This time, only a smaller number, namely eight, waterproofing systems have been investigated.

Summery of the results

  • Two structures showed no leaks at the end of the test, which corresponds to 25%.
  • Six structures showed leaks at various locations at the end of the test, which corresponds to 75%. In this investigation, the majority of leaks were located at floor-wall angles.
  • Leaks were noted at penetrations of both large and small drain pipes for two of the structures examined.
  • Only one leak was observed at an internal corner.
  • It is gratifying that none of the waterproofing systems examined showed leaks at floor drains, and no leaks were so extensive that they could be classified as total damage.

The project is carried out using a functional test, which means that the water tightness of the waterproofing membrane, penetrations and joints are examined in the waterproofing construction.


Summery of results from the functional tests 2010–2025

A total of 91 tests have been carried out during the period 2010 to 2025, i.e. over 15 years.

Of these, 29 (32%) have been positive, i.e. no leaks have been observed at the end of the test.

Negative results, leaks in some form, have been obtained in 62 (68%) of the tests carried out.

The conclusion that can be drawn from the historical review is that the results have improved over time. Overall, however, it must be concluded that the industry should be able to perform better.

The safety margin is obviously quite low or, for some, waterproofing systems completely non-existent.

Therefore, we believe that there is every reason to continue with this type of investigation in order to persuade the industry to further develop its waterproofing structures.

The report from the project can be downloaded here. (Unfortunately, the report is only available in Swedish.)


Project name

The waterproofing project 2025



RISE role in project


Project start


6 månader


LF Forskningsstiftelse

Project members

Ulf Antonsson

Contact person

Ulf Antonsson

Senior projektledare

+46 10 516 53 19

Read more about Ulf

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