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Large storage vessels containing hydrogen

Hydrogen storage - knowledge overview and technology analysis

Hydrogen storage is one of the cornerstones for further development of a Swedish hydrogen infrastructure. Hydrogen can be used as a flexible energy storage medium for both long and short periods, on a large and small scale, including balancing renewable electricity production and for be used directly in transportation vehicles.

The overall goal of the project was to contribute to strengthening knowledge and competence in Sweden related to various techniques and systems for hydrogen storage. The work also included in-depth descriptions and analyses of various techniques and systems for storage (materials, connections, peripheral components, lifespan, technical performance, compression, etc.). The hydrogen storage techniques in focus include:

  • Pressurized vessels
  • Storage of liquid hydrogen
  • Hydrogen pipelines
  • Caverns
  • Storage in ammonia
  • Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers (LOHC)

The project was divided into four work packages that run in parallel throughout the project and consist of:

  1. Compilation and synthesis of available knowledge for different storage techniques
  2. Analysis and evaluation of system efficiency, system costs, and system benefits
  3. Analysis of regulations, standards, and permit processes
  4. Identification of knowledge gaps and research questions that need to be explored going forward


Project name

Compilation of hydrogen storage



RISE role in project


Project start


2,5 years

Total budget

1 800 000 SEK


Sweco, KTH, DNV, IVL



Project members

Gustav Green

Contact person

Gustav Green

Forsknings- och utvecklingsingenjör

+46 73 034 95 68

Read more about Gustav

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