Hydrogen value chains in Skåne
The aim of the project is to investigate the interest in contributing to one or more hydrogen value chains in Skåne and to assess the conditions for a hydrogen cluster in Skåne. The focus should be on large-scale production and use. The project is carried out in collaboration between Region Skåne and RISE.

Hydrogen is currently used in Skåne primarily in the industry for the production of hydrogen peroxide at Kemira in Helsingborg and for use in the production of metal powder at Höganäs AB. The hydrogen used is produced through reforming of natural gas, although Höganäs AB used electrolysis before that for a number of decades. A significant technological development has in recent years led to an improvement in electrolyzers in terms of cost and performance.
The project will examine the following issues:
- Who wants to use hydrogen and for what?
- Who wants to produce, where and how?
- Who wants to distribute?
- Who wants to store?
- Who can have multiple roles?
- What time perspectives do different actors have and what volumes are involved?
- What possible synergies exist to create profitable production, distribution and use?
- What is the potential for a hydrogen cluster?
- Which actors develop technology relevant to the area?
- What would a hydrogen cluster in Skåne mean for the transformation of society and the development of business?
- How can a hydrogen cluster be organized?
The project will be presented in a report in April 2022.
Project name
Hydrogen value chains in Skåne
Region Skåne
RISE role in project
Koordinator, projektledare, deltagare
Project start
8 months
Region Skåne - Regional Utveckling