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Digital Cleanup Day
Photo: Patrik Eriksson

Interaction Seeds

Interaction Seeds integrates art & design with science & innovation by exploring their mutual challenges and connections. The project gathers inspiring and replicable examples of interactions from all over Europe and implement 20 "seeds" from this repository in Sweden, France, Greece and Spain.

Interaction Seeds integrates art & design with science & innovation by exploring their mutual challenges and connections. These four domains are united by the fact that they address similar contemporary challenges, but each has its own unique approaches and aims of its practices.

The interaction seeds project explores how these domains can collaborate but also discusses the challenges and risks of integrating them in the same process. Art & design, specifically, can challenge standard assumptions of how to do science and innovation, while scientific knowledge and innovations can also drive artistic and designerly practices forward.

The project gathers inspiring and replicable examples of the merger of art & design with science & innovation from all over Europe in a repository made freely available online. 20 adapted "seeds" from this repository will be implemented in 5 different local ecosystems located in France, Spain, Greece and Sweden.

RISE will implement 5 seeds in Sweden that address the following domains:

  • Cleaning up our digital waste
  • Exploring challenges of cultural institutions in urban spaces
  • Co-creating future soundscapes in cities
  • The design of sufficiency
  • Systems contributing to elderly well-being


Project name

Interaction Seeds




Other than Sweden

RISE role in project


Project start


2 years

Total budget

983 119 EUR


Dowel, GAIA, CluBE, Greenovate! Europe, Materalia


HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-33 — Fostering knowledge valorisation through societal and cultural interactions

Project website


Project members

Magnus Eriksson

Contact person

Magnus Eriksson

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Hayley Ho

Contact person

Hayley Ho


+46 70 357 89 93

Read more about Hayley

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