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Group Room with Green Light

Migraine-friendly lighting concept

Within the project Migraine-friendly lighting concept, two lighting concepts will be developed and tested. The hope is that these lighting concepts can be gentle for people suffering from migraines. One concept is intended for use in meeting and workspaces, while the other is intended for a relaxing resting environment.

To test the performance of both concepts, a test environment will be installed, and evaluations of the test environment will be conducted throughout the year. The lighting concept for the meeting and workspace will be based on customized interior design and lighting fixtures. Users will be able to choose between three different light scenes: one for meetings, one for work (including screen work), and one for pain relief with monochromatic green light.

The resting concept will consist of monochromatic lighting with table lamps and a light dome, combined with customized interior design that complements the lighting. Throughout the project, we will conduct ongoing evaluations of the test environment to assess its effectiveness. The project will be publicly presented at the Röhsska Museum.

You are warmly welcome to visit us and experience our lighting concepts in reality! Please contact Bodil Karlsson to book a time.


Project name

Migraine-friendly lighting concept




Västra Götaland Region

RISE role in project


Project start


2 år

Total budget

726 000


Akademiska hus , Fagerhult , Monocrom , Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset , Lunds Universitet , Röhsska museet

Bodil Karlsson

Contact person

Bodil Karlsson


+46 10 516 59 99

Read more about Bodil

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