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Stena Scandinavica

MoRe -Monitoring Reefers for reduced fire risk onboard

A research project for reduced fire risk onboard Roll-on/Roll-off ships.

Refrigerated cargo units (reefers) are an integral part of sea-borne transport, but at the same time, reefer electrical faults are also a common cause of fires. Fires on ro-ro ships pose significant dangers and extinguishing them may often be difficult. Consequently, monitoring ship connected reefers could be an effective approach to fire prevention. MoRe will develop a solution for reefer monitoring, including both hardware and a proposed human-machine interface for the engine control room. This work is a continuation of studies performed in the LASH FIRE project. The finished solution will be installed and evaluated for performance on the Stena Scandinavica. The project group brings together a mix of expertise in engineering, human-centered design and ship/cargo operations, catering for end-results with a high level of practical applicability. These results will be communicated in ways that maximize the chances for industry uptake.


Project name




RISE role in project


Project start


2 years

Total budget



Chalmers University of Technology, Stena Rederi, Stena Line, Destination Gotland, Thermoking, Beving, Interferry, The Swedish Club



Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
14. Life below water

Contact person

Oskar Grönlund

Forsknings-och utvecklingsingenjör

+46 10 516 67 06

Read more about Oskar

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