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NOW Ports 2

The NOW PORTS 2 is a joint initiative of Denmark, Norway and Sweden who joined forced in 2019 (Phase 1), to work together around innovative solutions to help offshore wind ports prepare for massive wind installations in the Baltic and North Sea. It is co-financed by Nordic Innovation Council and winner of the 2021 Sea Meet Land competition.

Offshore wind represents a major renewable energy source in European Green Deal Agenda critical to speed up the green transition from fossil fuels to clean energy by 2050. Nordic ports have the potential to take on an essential role in the offshore wind supply chain development, with their strategic position between land and sea. With projected size of the offshore  wind turbines growing from 10 to 20 MW in the next decade, the project aims to prepare Nordic ports and supply chains to be ready for the challenging offshore wind infrastructure and logistics upgrading.

NOW PORTS 2  develops business opportunities for Nordic companies and ports in the offshore wind industry by uncovering opportunities for collaboration and strategic innovation. It aims to create the most attractive, innovative and cost-effective concept for future offshore wind port infrastructure and supply chain in the Nordics (both fixed and floating).

 Building upon achievements under Phase 1, the project is implemented via three interlinked components:

 - The first component will set up unique Nordic Offshore Wind Alliance (NOWA) for strategic innovation of Nordic ports and industry with advisory role in developing future offshore wind port model;

 - The second component will focus on developing multipurpose super site (ports infrastructure), including digital planning tool, multipurpose warehouse concept and innovative lifting solution;

- The third component would contribute to establish an optimal supply chain model that should best support future offshore wind installation sites.

The project is jointly managed by Energy Cluster Denmark, Norwegian Offshore Wind Cluster and RISE/Offshore Väst Sweden, each on behalf of their country.

8 Nordic ports and wind sites are project partners: Esbjerg port, Rønne port, Trelleborg port, Karmsund port, Wergeland group, Norsea group, Westcon Helgeland, Eigersund Næring og Havn. 


Project name

New Offshore Wind Ports in the Nordics



RISE role in project

Coordinate the Swedish process through Offshore Väst

Project start



Total budget

8 000 000 NOK


Energy Cluster Danmark, Norwegian Offshore Wind Cluster, Offshore Väst, Rønne Havn, Karmsund Havn, Trelleborg Hamn, Esbjerg Havn, Wergeland Group, Westcon Helgeland, Eigersund Næring og Havn, Norsea Group


Nordic Innovation Mobility Mission: Sea Meets Land


Supports the UN sustainability goals

7. Affordable and clean energy
13. Climate action
Nermina Saracevic

Contact person

Nermina Saracevic

Senior project manager

+46 10 516 59 81

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