Contact person
Randi Nordström
Contact RandiRISE, KI, NorthXBiologics and Vecura formed this consortium with the aim to building a national infrastructure around gene therapies through exploring the possibilities of dry vaccines.
NucleoDry is a unique consortium with expertise ranging from gene therapy development and researh (VIVAC group, Karolinska Institutet, KI) via hospital practice and GMP adaption (Vecura) and formulation development and optimization (RISE) to GMP manufacturing and upscaling (NorthXBio). Together these partners are working on improved collaboration for the benefit of future gene therapy development and manufacturing in Sweden as well as the exploration of dry vaccines with improved storage properties.
Majority of mRNA vaccines developed during the pandemic are formulated in lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) to enhance stability as well as cellular uptake and transfection. This is a complex formulation with demanding storage conditions of -80 to -20 °C putting high demands on distribution chains and storage facilities. Despite demanding storage condition, the shelf-life of the products are relatively short, approximately 6 months. The stability and storage of these products is therefore a major challenge for their availability world-wide. One route to increasing the shelf-life of biological modalities is removing water and obtaining a dry formulation where water is not present to facilitate chemical reactions and alterations. The decreased reactivity of the dry formulation can result in both prolonged shelf-life and increase the possible storage temperature.
There are several techniques for drying formulations. NucleoDry is exploring one option for more stable gene therapies with milder storage demands, lyophilization. Removing water through freeze drying is a gentle method that has been successful for many biological modalities. In the case of vaccines formulated in LNPs it poses several interesting research and development questions:
Within NucleoDry mRNA is delivered from the VIVAC group at KI to the formulation unit at RISE. There the nucleotides are formulated in lipid nanoparticles using a microfluidic chip. The formulations are subsequently freeze dried and both wet, dried and resuspended formulations are analyzed for size, z-potential, encapsulation efficiency, cryo-TEM, LRSI x-rays, transfection in cells and mice in collaboration between RISE and KI. Vecura and NorthXBio performs initial evaluations of GMP adaptability of small-scale manufacturing and a plan for upscaling and GMP manufacturing for later clinical stages. These results can be used by other initiatives with the goal of gene therapy development and commercialization, within Sweden and abroad.
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NucleoDry - exploring dry vaccines
Region Stockholm
3.5 year5
VIVAC research group - Karolinska Institutet, NorthX Biologics , Vecura
RISE- Research Institutes of Sweden