On, off or in between - A study on a microgrid
This project focuses on a newly established microgrid in Kungsbacka, connecting a small number of rental apartments with several public sector buildings. The project purpose is to study if and how those living and working in the microgrid interact with it and whether they are, on a system level, able to optimise the use of self-produced electricity
Aim and goal
The purpose of the project is to study if and how those living and working in the microgrid interact with it and whether they are, on a system level, able to optimise the use of self-produced electricity. We aim to involve existing and potential users of the microgird through dialogue in contributing to the development and evaluation of design concepts for communication within the microgrid.
This project focuses on a newly build microgrid area in Kungsbacka Kommun. The housing company, who initiated this microgrid area wants people to feel proud about living and working in the area. They also hope that especially the tenants of the rental apartments will shift their electricity use according to the production of solar energy. This however is difficult, as people are often not at home at the moment the sun is shining, let alone that it is difficult in general to change your practices.
Rather than focusing on the individual tenants and how they can shift their energy use, we take a system perspective and involve the broader area, including the public sector buildings and their staff. By involving everyone in the dialogue around how best to optimise the system, we will shape a better understanding of the microgrid system for those working and living there as well as support explorations how best to optimise the use of the produced solar energy amongst all connected.
A deeper understanding of what a microgrid is and how it works for those working and living in the grid. Expanded knowledge on how people relate to microgrids and how to engage them in discussions. Potential to optimise the system by taking a system perspective on optimisation.
Project name
On, off or in between
RISE role in project
Project start
28 months
Uppsala University, KTH