Contact person
Stina Björquist
Contact StinaIn the framework of the European Green Deal, RegioGreenTex is a project promoting the collaboration in research and development for the textile industry to establish a systematic circular economy business model across the EU.
RegioGreenTex will support tangible solutions at company level, where textile waste becomes a value. The project will contribute to maintain and develop jobs in the EU textile sector, reshoring the production in Europe and making the EU textile value chain more competitive and resilient. It will contribute to the EU Green Deal objectives of reducing carbon footprint, energy and water consumption.
RegioGreenTex, led by EURATEX, promotes the collaboration in research and development between 43 partners from the four major sectors of society – industry, government, research institutes, and the public – for the textile industry. Partners come from 11 regions in 8 European countries:
RISE focus in the project is to take part in the development of a classification and terminology system, taxonomy, for circular materials and production methods. RISE will also support and coach small and medium enterprises in the green trasition to circular business models.
The project is co-funded by the the Interregional innovation investments instrument, I3, as part of the European Regional and Development Fund (ERDF) and aims at supporting interregional innovation projects in their commercialisation and scale-up phases giving them the tools to overcome regulatory and other barriers and bring their project to investment level.
PUBLISHED_D 1.2 Waste Stream Analysis_0.pdf (pdf, 2.44 MB)
Västra Götaland Region, Other than Sweden
36 months
European Commission, Västra Götaland Region
EURATEX, coordinator RegioGreenTex
Stina Björquist Lene Jul Östblom Lisa Schwarz Bour Johanna Snellström