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Resilient information systems in focus

The focus area resilient information systems is a strategic initiative in RISE to promote Sweden's ability to innovate, and conduct applied research in areas such as cyber security, total defense, societal protection and digital sovereignty.

The starting point of the initiative is to create collaboration between different national actors by creating an arena where experience and knowledge exchange can take place. In the focus area, RISE will not only enable exchange between national actors and groups, but will also assist the work by offering guidance and training based on RISE expertise and research.

The arena is built up and developed in collaboration and adapted to continuously identified needs in the public sector, business and civil society. The arena will thus be formed together with the partners represented.



Sweden is a digitalized country where most of the population uses digital services daily. While digitalization offers great opportunities to meet the social, environmental and economic goals of our time, it also makes the country vulnerable to digital disruptions. And digital disruptions can have a significant impact on Sweden's economy and society. Resilient information systems and their use are therefore important for Sweden to protect society from the potentially large effects of these particular disturbances.


The focus area's mission

The focus area will provide a national arena for resilient information systems. An arena that will serve as a place where different actors can meet and discuss issues related to resilient information systems and digital resilience. An arena that creates opportunities for actors to exchange ideas, experiences and knowledge, thus helping to strengthen the national information system and the national capacity to prevent digital disruptions.

In order to strengthen the national capacity, the focus area will continuously offer and invite to gatherings of different nature, provide and coordinate a network and in various ways disseminate knowledge and research in the area. Within the framework of the project, RISE will also conduct external monitoring.

If you want to know more about the project and its various activities, please contact one of the contact persons below.


Project name

Resilient information systems



RISE role in project

Project manager

Project start


3 years

Total budget

9'500'000 SEK


RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

11. Sustainable cities and communities
Carl Heath
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Amanda Sundberg

Contact person

Amanda Sundberg


Read more about Amanda

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