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Planetary boundaries
Photo: Licenced under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 (Credit: Azote for Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University. Based on Richardson et al. 2023, Steffen et al. 2015, and Rockström et al. 2009)

Steering Towards Environmental Benefit

Despite extensive and growing environmental legislation under the vision of a circular economy in Europe, Europe's resource use and its subsequent negative environmental effects are not decreasing. In this project, we investigate how environmental policy instruments can be designed to steer towards resource use within planetary boundaries.

Over the past decade, the EU has introduced extensive environmental policy instruments for a circular economy. The ambition is to reduce the environmental impact of resource use through regulations and incentives for increased resource efficiency, but the desired reduction in resource use is not achieved. One explanation is the policy's one-sided focus on resource efficiency. Resource efficiency usually leads to lower costs, which provide space for increased consumption, which in turn stimulates increased production, resulting in overall increased resource use. One possible way forward could be to set caps on resource use in accordance with planetary boundaries. Similar instruments already exist for the climate, such as the European Trading Scheme (ETS). What is the way forward to develop and implement similar instruments for resources, considering political and market conditions?

In this project, RISE, Lund University, and Cirkelar, together with Ragn-Sells and Volvo Cars, investigate how instruments for a circular economy can be designed so that resource use remains within planetary boundaries. We do this by focusing partly on policy targets aimed at the industry in general and partly on industry-specific instruments in a case study of the Swedish automotive industry.

The automotive industry's large resource use and upcoming environmental requirements within the sector implies that the project's focus on targets for resource use and how they can affect the automotive industry has great potential to influence resource management and total resource use. The project results can provide advantages for Swedish industry as it will lead to a better understanding of potential future requirements, and which legal requirements that actually can reduce resource use and provide competitive advantages.


Project name

Steering Towards Environmental Benefit



RISE role in project

Coordinator and participant researchers.

Project start


13 months

Total budget

1875000 SEK


The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics, Lund university, Cirkelar AB, Volvo Personvagnar AB, Ragn-Sellsföretagen AB


The Impact Innovation Programme Net Zero Industry, a joint initiative by Vinnova, Formas and the Swedish Energy Authority.


Project members

Supports the UN sustainability goals

12. Responsible consumption and production
Johanna Ulmanen

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Johanna Ulmanen


+46 10 516 62 37

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Ann-Charlotte Mellquist

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Ann-Charlotte Mellquist


+46 70 265 65 60

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