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Photo: Fanny Lindh

Sun In My BackYard (SIMBY)

SIMBY approaches solar energy from a personal and systems perspective. Combining expertise from designers and artists with industry and science to create interventions to begin conversations towards inclusive speculative solar futures.

Solar and renewable energy development is often technology and market-driven. Prioritizing the known needs and motivations of a predominantly technology-focused audience over other values and desires. As a result, new establishments of renewable energy can be met with resistance and the phenomenon of "not in my backyard".

SIMBY aims to shift this narrative of future solar development to take a value-driven and relational-driven perspective. By inviting everyone to look at solar differently, we explore what other values solar can provide and think about how we can live with, from and in relation to the sun.

Designerly methods being developed in the project:

  • Travelling seasonal workshop series to explore our societal relationship with the sun from a systems perspective
  • Speculative design prototype that challenges how we relate to solar technology
  • Supporting Ung Svensk Form stipendiate to develop artistic solar prototype with industry
  • Solar exhibition at Vandalorum Art MuseumToday, the development of energy technologies is often technology-driven and sometimes new establishments of renewable energy are met with resistance or lead to conflicts between different sustainability goals. One example is when the need for energy supply clashes with people's need for energy and other basic needs, such as beautiful, relaxing living environments and cultural-historical environments.

Lets have a conversation with … the sun. 

How can solar energy be designed with inspiration from people's minds? 

The film is an artistic interpretation of the SIMBY project and the new method used to talk about the future of solar energy, which is based on our changing experience and relationship with the sun in different seasons. The method has been developed by design researchers Hayley Ho and Fanny Lindh and the film has been created by Patrik M Eriksson. The film was part of the exhibition Garden Futures, Design som växer – Vandalorum at Vandalorum's art gallery in Värnamo during Augusti until October 2024.

Supports the UN sustainability goals

3. Good health and well-being
7. Affordable and clean energy
9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
11. Sustainable cities and communities
16. Peace, justice and strong institutions
Bodil Karlsson

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Bodil Karlsson


+46 10 516 59 99

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Fanny Lindh

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Fanny Lindh


+46 10 228 45 57

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