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The flagship factory - Digital

The purpose of the project is that the project parties with support of the "Flag ship methodology" will map out future challenges in digitalization in relation to competence development and similar issues.

The digitalization, that has been going on since long in industry, accelerates the coming years and increases the pressure of change within the companies.

Products and production processes within companies will have to be developed and renewed with digitalization as enabler. This affects business models, supply chains, investments and virtually everything in the companies.

When the companies invest and connect the business to internet, the choice of technical solutions depends greately on what competencies employees need to possess in order to take part in and drive the change with high productivity and job satisfaction.

The ongoing overall change is so profound that the efforts regarding competence development need to be extensive so that the opportunities of digitilization will be utilized.


Project name

The flagship factory - Digital



RISE role in project

Projektledning och Expertinslag

Project start


18 months

Total budget

6.000.000 SEK


Industriarbetsgivarna, IF Metall, Teknikföretagen, Sandvik Coromant, SKF, Astra Zeneca, Scania, SCA, Volvo CE




Karl-Eric Persson
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