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Timber transport

The value chain of hydrogen driven forestry transports in Värmland

Hydrogen as a fuel has been considered in previous studies as a practical and economic possibility for heavy forestry transports to achieve zero emissions. This project aims to analyze how the practical value chain should come together in Värmland for hydrogen-powered forestry transports to become a reality.

How can hydrogen electrification of the value chain for forestry transports take place in Värmland? This is to be answered through close collaboration with relevant stakeholders within the value chain for forestry transports in Värmland, in order to collectively design, describe, and assess whether a future pilot project on hydrogen electrification of this transport segment is suitable in Värmland.

The work is complemented by comprehensive descriptions and analysis across economics, technology, energy supply, user perspectives, as well as regulations and legislation.

Questions that the project aims to address include:

  • Which parts of the value chain for hydrogen-electrified forestry transports are currently in place? What is missing?
  • What are the risks for each party involved, and how can the risks be distributed?
  • When will each part of the value chain be completed?
  • Where are potential bottlenecks?
  • Will the system as a whole be sufficiently competitive?

The project also produces a general descriptive report on how hydrogen electrification of forestry transports can be implemented in a region. The report is based on the expertise gained from Värmland through this project and translates it to other counties with a high proportion of forestry transports.

On this page, public documents will be published throughout the project's duration.


Project name

V3 skog




Region Värmland

RISE role in project

Projektledare och koordinator

Project start


2 year

Total budget

2,6 MSEK


Karlstads Energi, Everfuel, OK Värmland, Helmia Lastbilar, VSV Frakt, Kenneth Thybergs Åkeri, Stora Enso Skog


Fordonsstrategisk Forskning och Innovation (FFI)

Project members

Gustav Green

Contact person

Gustav Green

Forsknings- och utvecklingsingenjör

+46 73 034 95 68

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Hampus Piehl

Contact person

Hampus Piehl


+46 10 516 60 17

Read more about Hampus

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