Contact person
Emilia Pisani Berglin
Contact EmiliaWith innovative phase changing and thermo-chemical materials, ThumbsUp facilitates the development of innovative, thermal energy storage technologies that can easily be integrated into buildings to increase their energy efficiency and grid flexibility.
The ThumbsUp project aims to develop and demonstrate thermal energy storage (TES) at daily (based on PCM) and weekly level (based on TCM sorption technology) solutions to be easily integrate in EU buildings (both connected and not-connected to DHN) to increase their energy efficiency as well as to exploit power-to-heat approaches also to make EU Buildings as grid flexibility actors.
Genom att lagra energi blir byggnaderna mer energieffektiva och flexibla, eftersom energilagret laddas när det finns ett överskott av energi och priserna är låga, för att sedan användas när energitillgången är begränsad.
ThumbsUp aims to transition thermal energy storage (TES) technologies from the laboratory to real-life applications through a structured approach; Validation, Demonstration, Replication
The pilot sites complement each other by covering a range of climates and building scenarios within the EU. They provide a comprehensive picture of how TES technologies can be applied across the EU, addressing different energy needs and contributing to the EU’s sustainable economy goals. They also offer diverse insights into the scalability and replicability of TES solutions in various European contexts.
The knowledge exchange forums are interactive meetings during which a series of subjects are presented and discussed among the participants. These sessions will not only allow engaged stakeholders to directly exchange with each-other, but also learn about the latest project breakthroughs and create a network for crowd-sourcing solutions to challenges we will eventually face throughout the development of the project.
Each session focuses on different topics and begins with a presentation by a guest expert involved in the project, followed by an interactive dialogue with the participants.
When you register, you will automatically receive invitations to all sessions. You can choose the topics that interest you and participate when it suits you. Register here.
ThumbsUp - Thermal Energy Storage
4 years
University of Turin , The Economic and Social Research Institute, NanoPhos, Unitech , Kelvin, The University of Messina , GridSingularity, i-TES, The Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas , Gradyent , Sorption Technologies GmbH, Pluss Advanced Technologies B.V., University of Lleida , The National Research Council (CNR), University of Birmingham, The University of Genoa, CARTIF, Veolia