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sustainability claims
Photo: Raul Carlsson

Verifiable Sustainability Statements

The project's goal has been to design guidance for how companies cab communicate their sustainability requirements to comply with EU directives, how customers understands and compares such claims, and how their voluntary sustainability responsibilities may be communicated.

The project's purpose was to develop for the process industry practically relevant and industry-wide knowledge and guidance for how companies may produce verifiable data and how this can be communicated without risk to break laws. The project applied and analyzed specific practical examples. By this awareness was created and guidance was developed for hot to ensure legal compliance regarding sustainability claims about companies' and/or products' sustainability benefits.

There are several difficulties with creating verifiable sustainability claims that both show the market that the products are better than legal requirements and also to verifiably and correct communicate this according to defined methods.

The project had a clear value chain perspective, partly because larger parties (Perstorp, Ineos) are suppliers to a smaller party in the project (OhlaPlast), as well as through the participation of a company with value chain expertise linked to product and material requirements (Polyfuels). The focus of the project was to support various value chain actors in communicating verifiable environmental performance to their customers.

Result presentation: Spring Conference 2025 - Climate Leading Process Industry | Klimatledande Processindustri


Project name

Verifiable Sustainability Statements




Västra Götaland Region

RISE role in project

Project leader and projekt exoe¨¨

Project start


1 år

Total budget

815 000 SEK


Perstorp AB, OHLA Plast AB, Polyfuels Group , INEOS


Vinnova, Västra Götalandregionen


Project members

Download the report here

Supports the UN sustainability goals

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
12. Responsible consumption and production
Raul Carlsson

Contact person

Raul Carlsson

Senior forskare

+46 10 228 49 05

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Contact person

Tatiana Nevzorova

Senior forskare

+46 10 516 67 04

Read more about Tatiana

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