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X-ray absorption spectroscopy for high performance fiber lasers

Fiber lasers (FLs) are based on optical fibers with a core of rare-earth doped glass as the laser gain medium. Production of efficient and thus sustainable FLs is not solely a matter of electronic and optical design but is also based on knowledge in materials chemistry and quantum physics.

The local environment around the lasing rare-earth ion should ideally be tailored, but control and determination of the actual structure is a challenging task for glass materials. Therefore, we will investigate the feasibility of using x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), at Balder Beamline at MAX IV, as a tool for determining the local structure of rare-earth elements in glasses with the aim to optimize the production methods for improved laser performance and wall plug efficiency. The project participants are NKT Photonics (SE and DK), a world-leading manufacturer of optical fibers, lasers, and FLs with applications in the market segments medical & life science, industrial, quantum and nanotech, and aerospace & defence, who is the need-owner, and RISE Research Institutes of Sweden who has expertise in glass science as well as experience in XAS applied to glass.


Project name

XAS for fiber lasers



RISE role in project

Coordinator and Project Manager

Project start


1,5 years

Total budget

2.2 Million SEK


NKT Photonics, NKT Photonics


Vinnova, Vinnova


Supports the UN sustainability goals

3. Good health and well-being
9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
12. Responsible consumption and production