Contact person
Manuel Guzman
Contact ManuelDangerous goods are items or substances that can imply a risk for health, safety, property, or the environment. Some items, which may not be harmful by itself, may become a risk when combined with other substances.
Testing according to UN Test N.1 determines if the product shall be classified in Division 4.1 as a flammable solid.
Most regulations concerning dangerous goods, such as national regulations, the IMDG Code, IATA etc. are based on the UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Model Regulations. The guidance document is developed by the United Nations to uniform national and international regulations. Testing is performed according to the UN manual of Tests and Criteria - Section 33: Division 4.1 Test N.1: Test method for flammable solids
Dangerous goods are divided into nine different classes, grouped by their physical and chemical properties. Through testing a packaging group is assigned, in accordance with the degree of danger they present. In Division 4.1: Test method for flammable solids the product can be classified as "Not a flammable solid", "Flammable solid - Packaging group II/Cat. 1" or "Flammable solid- Packaging group III/Cat. 2".
1. Explosive substances and articles
2. Gases
3. Flammable liquids
4.1 Flammable solids
4.2 Substances liable to spontaneous combustion
4.3 Substances which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases
5.1 Oxidizing substances
5.2 Organic peroxides
6.1 Toxic substances
6.2 Infectious substances
7. Radioactive materials
8. Corrosive substances
9. Miscellaneous dangerous substances and articles
The test generates data which can be used to classify dangerous goods and used as a basis for risk analysis and research.
Testing is performed by applying a burner to a 250 mm unbroken strip, or powder train, of the material which rests on an impervious surface. Ignition and flame propagation is observed. Initial testing is performed according to Preliminary screening test, if the material propagates combustion in a given time frame the Burning rate test, according to, shall be carried out. In the Burning rate test the burning time is measured and depending on how fast the flame front propagates the product is assigned a suitable packaging group.
The result is summarized by RISE in a written report. The report is delivered in English.