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Risk assessment of “NIAS-screening”
Product safety is an issue of very high concern for all kinds of materials and products. One of RISE´s core activities in this area is analyses of packaging and materials intended for food contact (FCM).
Non-intentionally added substances (NIAS) are chemicals that may be present in food contact materials (FCMs) without being intentionally added. NIAS can be divided into three groups: impurities, reaction products and breakdown products. These substances may migrate into food and pose a safety risk to consumers.
To mitigate the risk, NIAS testing and evaluation are needed which together with other analyses like specific and overall migration testing helps ensure that materials are safe.
We offer screening of volatile and semi-volatile compounds with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis [Screening for migration of substances from food contact material at 10 ppb level | RISE].
Our toxicologists identify the presence of any hazardous substances among the identified compounds based on literature surveys and/or internationally recognised scientific principles on risk assessment (e.g. the TTC approach / Cramer classification). This data combined with exposure assessment from migration studies or literature data is utilized by our regulatory and toxicology experts to make a final risk assessment.
GC-MS screening is the current “state of the art” technique for NIAS screening. It covers a broad range of possible NIAS. However, there is no standardized and approved method for NIAS testing, and all potential substances may not be tested with only one method. If wanted, we can also support you in setting up a test program and suggest other suitable complementing methods to fully evaluate your food contact material or article [Product safety analyses of food contact materials | RISE].
We provide a risk assessment report which is based on the 10 ppb-screening report.