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Viscose Pilot Plant

To develop and optimise regenerated cellulose, RISE has two viscose pilots, one on a micro-scale and another one for larger volumes of viscose solution. The pilots consist of six parts which together correspond to an actual viscose manufacturing process.

Overview of viscose procedure

Refining the raw material to obtain a greater value is interesting in the production of dissolving cellulose. In the RISE plant for viscose production, all steps from dissolving cellulose to finished viscose solution and spinning of viscose fibres can be simulated.


In the mercerisation step, cellulose is slurried in caustic soda to form alkali cellulose, then the excess of soda is pressed out of the alkali cellulose. During decomposition, the pressed alkali cellulose decomposes to increase the reaction surface. This gives a more even oxygen distribution in subsequent steps and a more even uptake of carbon disulfide during the xanthation process. In the maturation step of the alkali cellulose, the viscosity (Degree of polymerisation) is reduced to a suitable level for further spinning of the viscose dope. After the Xanthation step, dissolution and post-ripening take place, after which the solution, i.e. viscose dope, is ready to be spun into viscose fibres.

Offer in viscose pilot

In the viscose pilot, individual pulps and the suitability of different cellulose mixtures for viscose production can be evaluated. Screening experiments can be performed to investigate the effect of different process parameters on different dissolving celluloses and test how well a cellulose material works at given process settings. In the viscose pilot, it is also possible to evaluate different process chemicals, test different additives for fibre properties and so on.

For more information on spinning of viscose dope, and mechanical analyses of viscose fibres, visit the webpage Spinning pilotViscose fibre characterisation, and analyzes of pulp for dissolving.


Test & Demo name

Viscose Pilot Plant


Laboratory testbeds (LT)


Pulp, paper and packaging


Biorefinery, Pulp and paper, Material transition, Textile

Strategic innovation program



Region Västernorrland

Contact person

Nadine Hollinger

Forsknings- och utvecklingsingenjör

+46 10 722 32 22

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Diana Reyes Forsberg

Contact person

Diana Reyes Forsberg

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