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Wood technology more common as we transition to a fossil-free society

When travelling through the Swedish landscape, wood is the most common material we see. Our need for sustainable and renewable materials increases the demand for knowledge about wood, timber and wood construction. In Wood Technology, we work with how wood is used in the best way. This can be how to design or develop standards, but also knowledge of how wood works. All so that the industry can sell, certify and process its wood in the best sustainable way.

RISE has a broad knowledge of wood technology and wood construction. We know wood in all its forms and have extensive experience of working with the raw material itself via process, development and design to finished product or building. We work with research to ensure that everything made from fossil materials can be made from renewable wood in the future. We have well-equipped laboratories and are accredited for a variety of tests and inspections. We also perform customised tests and analyses. RISE is a notified body, which means that we perform tests and certify for CE marking.

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